Mon 27 Jan
✿ SleNdeR ♥ GrEEn-EyEd ♥ BruNeTTe ♥ DoLL ✿ iN LiNgeRe & HeeLs! - 22
((Downtown) (Portland) (Upscale) (Incall))
(~Downtown Portland~ * ~Upscale Incall~)
► NEW PiCs! ❤ (( SLenDer )) (( GrEEn-EyEd )) (( BruNeTTe )) ❤ PERFECT 10! - 22
((Downtown Upscale Incall) ♥)
╚» ╚» ♥ NAUGHTY BRUNETTE BUNNY! ♥ «╝ «╝ 100% REAL PICS! - 22
((Convention Center) (Upscale) (Incall))
💦Lil midwestern cutie💦😜youll have the time of your life.💣💥dont miss out on this oppurtunity👯🍡 - 23
(Longview and surr. Areas incalls only, Portland)
★ ▓ ALL-AMERICAN DREAM GIRL ☆ Gorgeous Brunette Treat! ▓ ★ REAL PICS! - 22
♥♥ ALL-AMERICAN APPLE PIE! -:¦:- TaSTy LiL BLonDe TrEaT! -:¦:- SLeNdeR & SeXy HoTTiE! - 21
(*Airport* *Upscale* *Incall* *Outcall*)
______ 1OO$ HH❤________ ██████ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂💄SEXY • KINKY • LATINA 💄 ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ██████❤ ___ - 21
(Portland, Portland 🎉 1OO$ HH 🎉)
*** * $100 SPECIALS today ONLY!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, round applebottom!! - 29
~ ~ ~ ~ 100 IN-CALL SPECIAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DrOp DeAd GoRgEoUs BLOND .... classy, fun and sweet as a PEACH - 26
(in-call/convention center)
100% REAL PICS! ★ ALL-AMERICAN CoLLeGe HoTTiE! █ ★ █ PeRFeCT 10! ★ - 22
(*Airport Incall* *Outcall 2*)
E | S | C | O | R | T | S !!!!! GUARANTEED 3-5 Appointments DAILY !!!! BUILD REGULARS WITH US
💋💋💋Attractive Ladies! Tired of the RAIN? Tired of being BROKE?💋💋💋 - 36
(Portland, South LA County/North Orange County)
•===•♥ Super Body Relaxation ***Very Sexy***Upscale BUSTY Beauty ♥•===• - 31
(Portland, Inner Se Incall & Hotel Out-call)
Sat 11 Jan
*** * HOT SPECIALS today ONLY!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, round applebottom!! - 29
********** Established highly reviewed discrete Upscale real deal companion *********** - 32
(Portland, SW waterfront Portland)
(((Gorgeous elegant brunette for private erotic encounters~NEW PHOTOS!!!)))!!!! - 37
(Portland, Private Cozy Incall/Ne.Portland)
Barbies are WAY MORE fun when you PLAY with them NAKED!! Dominican & Brazilian Barbie ready 2 PLAY!! - 21
(Portland, Vancouver IN CALL Location Available!!)
*TOP NOTCH PERFECTION!* ♥ *Slender Brunette Kitten* ♥ UPSCALE TREAT!! - 22
({{ Downtown Upscale Incall }})
Fri 10 Jan
✿ *TOP NOTCH PERFECTION!* ✿ *Slender Brunette Kitten* ✿ Upscale TREAT! - 22
((Convention Center) (Upscale Incall))
Thu 09 Jan
LOOK ► *¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXxXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE PLaYmATe *¨¨* - 23
Wed 08 Jan
-:¦:-*-:¦:- PoRTLaND's #1 BEST! ♥ NaUGhTY ScHoOLGiRL ♥ GoRgEoUs AsS + LoNG LeGs! - 21
((CoNveNTioN CeNTeR) (UpSCaLe) (InCaLL))
♥ LoLa BuNNy's LaST DaY iN ToWn! ★ SeXxXy SLenDeR BruNeTTe DoLL! ★ FLAWLESS! - 21
✿ *TOP NOTCH PERFECTION!* ✿ *Slender Brunette Kitten* ✿ Upscale TREAT!! - 22
(*Portland* *Incall/Outcall* ♥)
► BACK IN TOWN! ❤ (( GrEEn EyEs )) (( TaNNED )) (( BLonDe )) ❤ NEW PICS! - 22
(*Convention Center* *Upscale* *Incall*)
xXx CrEaMy VaNiLLa LaTTe ~**~ YuMMy BRuNeTTe TrEaT ~**~ PeRfEcT FoR YoUr SwEEt TooTh! xXx - 21
🎀 Beautiful,young, charming, petite, UPSCALE. playmate 👯🍡Your perfect addicting girl next door🍭 - 22
(Longview and surr. Areas outcalls and in, Portland)
Tue 07 Jan
100$$💋✨✨👑!!ExOtiC SeXY FrEaKy EbOnY!! ThiCk, SLIPPERY 💦💦💦HoT, BiG🍑 BoOtY, LoNg LeGs LeTs PlAy 💦!!💋💋💋✨✨👑 - - 25
(anywhere, Portland)
Lavacious Blonde! Let's Get You Ready For Game Day!! Highly Reviewed! Luxury Incall - 48
(Portland, Portland Downtown NW)
Mon 06 Jan
XxX SaTiSfY YoUr LaTe NiGhT SwEEt ToOtH! XxX GoRgEoUs BLoNDe BuNNy! XxX **100% REAL PICS!** - 21
(My Place or Yours! ;))
Sun 05 Jan
🎀 Beautiful,young, charming, petite, UPSCALE. playmate 👯🍡Your perfect addicting girl next door🍭 - 22
(Longview and surr. Areas outcalls and in, Portland)
Sat 04 Jan
► NeW PiCs! ❤ (( GrEEn EyEs )) (( BLonDe )) (( TaNNeD )) ❤ PERFECT 10! - 22
((Convention Center) (Upscale) (INCALL))
ExoTic MiDDle Eastern Brunette incall morning specials 💋💋💋 - 25
(Portland, Portland Incall Clackamas PDX incall)
Fri 03 Jan