Mon 06 Jan
{°o NEW CLIENT SPECIALS o°} -->> MOUTH * WaTeRiNg * oOo FReAKy PUeRT0 RiCaN oOo >> 65$ LaST DAy
(beaverton (incall only))
———NEW ———💋 💋 💋HOT ———Independent ———24/HR Outcall—————Pretty—————— back Girl——————— 💋💋————— - 25
L o v e ___ To ____ P l e a s e ____ (((( H o T __ B l o n d e ))) ____ HoT !!!!!! - 21
(Portland, SouthEast incall ONLY 120$$$)
Exquisite Italian &Portugese; BOMBSHELL ______________ (( 100 Incall Special )) - 29
(Portland, Incall off I-205/Outcall)
°•°•*☆ ( =F_L_¡_R_T_Y= __ ★ __ =S E X Y= __ ★ __ =S @ S S Y & F U N™ )°•°•*☆ ebony outcall - 22
(Portland, Incall/outcall)
Everything's ALWAYS $weeter, with a Drop Of Hunnie! Do me the Right Way Your Chocolate Fantsy - 21
(Portland, my sheets or yours.)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE $60 special - Mature BBW Hot/super friendly - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
**°°**°°** A CH0C0LAT€ D€LIGHT W/ GR€AT H0LIDAY D€AL$!!! **°°**°°** - 25
(Portland, Portland Metro & Vancouver OUTCALL)
💎~100~ OuTcAll _____QuALity___ THiCk ___ beAuTiFUL____ SEXY ___ CuRveS __CoMe __ SeE - 💎• - 22
(Portland, portland,vancouver and surrounding areas)
~ Simply Delightful ~ Enjoyable Company ~ Entertaining ~ Summer Special ~ - 33
(Vancouver, 10 min from PDX)
♥♥♥ {Upscale Bl☆nde}} ♥ Naughty Fantasies ♥ Kinky Desires ♥♥♥ - 31
(Portland, Portland/ Vancouver area)
You'll simply adore this VERY kind hearted, girl next door, HEALTHY, petite DYNAMO, I promise xoxo - 34
《《 YOU D£S£RV£ THE B£ST 🎁🏃 》》Fr£SH✔️DiSCR££T✔️ 《《 TiGHT&CR;£AMY💦💦 CHOCOLAT£ D£LiGHT🍫💦💦 》》 - 24
_[..☆..] _ T ☆ R ☆ U ☆ E _[..☆..]_ B ☆ E ☆ A ☆ U ☆ T ☆ Y _[..☆..]_ ALL REAL Pics - 22
(Portland, where ever you are :))
ThE $$ BeSt$$ PaRt $$Of $$ ThE $$DaY$$ iS $$HaViNg $$ It $$YoUr $$WaY....... - 26
(Portland, WHERE YOU WANT ME TO BE....)
Sun 05 Jan
~☎~ ☎RinG ! Call NOW!! ☎RinG! (ADDICTIVE ASIAN) S- K -i- L-LS! 100% Natural 36c ☎ - 25
(Portland, OUTCALL PORTLAND downtown Portland)
🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱▃▃▃💖▃▃▃▃ 💋YOUNG KOREAN GIRL💋▃▃▃💖▃▃▃ RELEASE ANXIETY & REWARD URSELF ▃▃▃503-380-9115💖▃ - 21
(Portland, PORTLAND DOWNTOWN ,503🙊380🙊9115)
_♡ _ (( When Im Good ★Im GooD★When Im Bad ★ )) _ Im Even Better - 23
(Portland, ♥Outcall/PDX && Surrounding Areas♥)
→◆◇◆ New in town!! ◆◇◆ ELiTE BlONDE ¤◆¤ Sonya □■□ (( 100% real )) º•○● CALL NOW !! - 21
(Portland, Portland - Downtown incall)
.•:*•*☆ =NEW= {After Dark} =PICS= {5☆ SeRViCe} Beaverton 100 hhIncall (Special) - 23
(Portland, ♥Outcall New Pics♥)
•-:¦:- HOT •-:¦:- •-:¦:- PERSONAL MASSAGE •-:¦:- DEEP •-:¦:- PLEASURE •-:¦:- ~Special ~ - 34
(Portland, SE 181st/Gresham INCALL)
💄💢❤💢 ——💄💢❤💢[[ GORGEOUS BLONDE ]] 💢❤💢✌——💢❤💢[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💢❤💢——💢❤💢[[ READY NOW 👉💋971-202-6831 - 21
(Portland, in call)
★ Better Then A Cup Of Coffee ★ Come Wake Up With Me ★ SPECIAL TODAY ONLY - 24
(Portland, ★ INCALL ★ OUTCALLS)
Beautiful Blonde Fox with a sweet and juicy box (Outcall to Downtown PDX in 15 mins Call NOW !!} - 25
(Portland, Convention Center Area)
Sexy vixen visiting 🌸 Sexy & sensual🌹 killer curves - 22
(Portland, Ne,NW ,SW ,SE , Gresham , vancouver)
Something Sexy Something New with a girl like me that is genuine and TRUE!!! - 21
(Southeast Portland, Se Portland)
((( SEXY MASSAGE AT YOUR HOTEL ))) 💋💋 Nothing Compares to My Unbeatable Upscale Hour Sessions - 37
(Portland, ****TO YOU WITHIN 30 - 45 MINUTES****)
SPECIAL!!: Sexy Native Beauty Who Will Literally Rock Your Socks Right Off! - 21
(Portland, Vancouver area)
💜Blonde 36"DD'S💜 *Looking for Someone UPSCALE& PROFESSIONAL? 💜 Look no Further.💜*Available now* - 30
Blonde Fantasty 💞I'll Be Your Little Secret💞 NO strings Attached! - 24
(I.N.S.I.D.E Me... your Bed OnLY!, Portland)
STEAMY HOT EROTIC SENSUAL BODY RUBS. By appointment only with advance notice! - 26
(Lake Oswego, Portland)
✿ *TOP NOTCH PERFECTION!* ✿ *Slender Brunette Kitten* ✿ Upscale TREAT! - 22
((Convention Center) (Upscale Incall))
_ _ _ _ _ THICK _ _ _ _ _ _ CURVY _ _ _ _ _ _ YUMMY BLONDE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BUSTY DREAM GIRL _ _ _ - 26
(Beaverton/ Hillsboro/ Portland)
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
🚨🚨🚨 te puedo hacer feliz 👋perfect 🔟 ➡➡ #1 sucio todos 👌 muñeca americana listo para venir ver - 26